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Coronavirus - Information in English

Current Rules

No corona protection measures exist any more.

Health Issues Related to The Coronavirus

Hotline Behördennummer 115: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.: Dial 115 (without area code, at local rate, free of charge with flat rates)

If you are concerned that you are infected, you should not go to your doctor without signing up. First, register by phone to discuss the procedure. Many general practitioners offer an "infection consultation".

Deaf people can contact the Federal Ministry of Health for general information: Fax: 030/340 60 66 - 07, email:, sign phone (video telephony)

COVID-19 Tests

Entitlements to free testing existed up to and including 28 February 2023. Since then, there are no longer any entitlements to free COVID 19 testing.

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